Friday, April 1, 2011

The Linen Queen by Patricia Falvey

"From Monday to Thursday we sang to break the monotony, on Friday we sang to celebrate"

This is just the beginning of a young girl from Northern Ireland working in a Linen Factory, and her dreams of her future in England. I am hooked. To me the characters are alive and vivid. I can't wait to see the challenges she will face.

We'd love to hear what's the first line - or paragraph - of your current read. Feel free to share it with us in the comments! Are you liking the book so far? Was the first few lines enough to grip your attention? We're looking forward to hearing from you! :-)


  1. Hi Cathy,

    This is a new author to me, but I definitely want to read this book.

    Despite the fictional nature of this type of story, they are often very well researched and can offer a great feel for the social history of the times.

    Thanks for bringing the author to my attention.


  2. Hi Yvonne: This author is new to me also. Even though I am only about 30% (Kindle) into the book, the way the author is describing the social history of the 1940's really does keep this book alive for me. - I will say that the history side of the novel is not too deep, which is what I like in Fiction. I would enjoy discussing this book with you when/if you get a chance to read this.


  3. Just from that first paragraph, this sounds like a book I would really enjoy!

  4. Hi Bonnie. I am about 1/2 way thru and this novel keeps getting better and better. I should be done by the end of the week and then I will post my review. I try to leave out the spoilers.

    Hope you enjoy.

